Thursday, January 24, 2008

34 Weeks and Counting...

I'm officially 34 weeks pregnant and if I were having Cleo I'd be delivering her today. Things are looking great, though, for going full term--my blood pressure is great, Buttercup-Elmo is head down and we've actually finally purchased a car seat so we can bring the baby home from the hospital. We are still at odds over a name, and I'm getting nervous that I'll be out if it after delivery and JL will name the baby whatever he wants, so I'll end up with a name I'm not so hot for, so let the suggestions roll.

In similar news, we've decided to engage the services of a Doula. Having had a less than great experience with my last delivery/ c-section, and having a husband who gets light headed just during ultra-sounds, and not having any family nearby to offer moral support it seems like the right thing to do. I'll have someone experienced who can help me cope with labor, and be with me from the beginning to the end. Interestingly, women who are going after a VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section) like I am are significantly more likely to succeed when aided by a Doula. Recovery from my previous c-section was truly awful, so if this increases my odds of delivering the traditional way, and helps ease my fears about the whole process, I'm all for it.

Lastly, I can't get enough raspberries. I eat 1-2 pints a day, and just close my eyes at the expense since they couldn't be more out of season. JL jokes that it's a cheaper habit than drugs and happily makes runs to the grocery store on his way home from work so I can eat them when the craving strikes.


Melanie said...

Exciting! Exciting! I think of you all the time! I'm glad everything is going so well. Does the appetite for raspberries mean that your all-day sickness is somewhat abated? Also, I have never seen a pregnant Amy picture...will you post one?

Anonymous said...

Amy, this is so very cool. Congrats on being healthy and strong and I wish you waterfalls of raspberries ala the book "Jamberry"!

Loralee Choate said...

EEK! You are getting SO CLOSE!!!!

I think that having a doula is EXCELLENT. I wish I'd thought of it when we talked, but I have never needed one.

If I were in your situation it would absolutely happen.


Tamee said...

Amy, Holy Cow! I'll call later. Know that we are thinking of you. Tell the girls hi! And squeeze the new little boy


Anonymous said...

Amers! I'm sorry I locked you out! I don't have your e-mail addy and so when I sent out the notice about shutting down my artofinvisibility blog and was focusing on my biggest loser one you didn't get the message. I'm glad you found me anyway. How goes things in your world?