Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Mascara and eyeshadow and lipstick, oh my!

It's happened.  My almost 12 year old girl is now officially a make-up wearing middle-schooler.  It started with her putting on my clear lipbalm, then it progressed to flavored chapsticks with a hint of color like cherry or orange flavor, then before I knew it, she was looking at the make-up isle in Walgreens debating one lip gloss over another.  From there is was an easy transition to using her "for dance performances only and other special occasions" mascara and eyeshadow along with daily doses of bright pink on her lips, eyelids and cheeks. 
And it's not just her.  While my 10 year old denies all culpability, the slight shimmer on her cheeks in a shade that's just not natural is a dead give away (along with the overpowering scent of the only perfume I own wafting about in her bedroom and closet). 
I'm sure my 6 year old is next.  After all, this week his sisters painted the nails on his thumbs, and his "feet thumbs," a lovely shade of lime green.  I might as well take them all to the make-up counter at Nordstrom so they can at least learn from someone with more skill than I have about how to properly wear make-up in the right colors and amounts for burgeoning tweens.   

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