These are my current favorite pair of shoes. I purchased them on a whim last summer at REI. They are actually clogs, with huge thick two inch soles that don't bend a millimeter. I've come to adore them and I wear them practically every day. I wear them so much, and they are distinctive enough that I'm worried I've become known at the preschool not at "Cleo's mom," but as, "the mom with the red shoes." So lately I've been trying to wear other shoes when I go to her school. It's been difficult. It really has. But I'm surviving.
And those are Gigi's "swimming shoes," aka my great buy at Carter's. She wears them to her swimming lessons, and just about everywhere else because they don't make crocs in an infant size 5.
If I had a pair of fabulous red clog mary jane's I'd wear them everyday too. Perhaps then I could be "Miss Karen of the red shoes" rather than "Miss Karen of the Thousand Hats" or "Miss Karen of the Wide Girth".
amy, being the red-shoe mom is a far better choice than being the leisure-suit mom, or the workout-wear mom. there is a mom, with a daughter in luca's kindy, who wears, faithfully, every monday and wednesday, a black velour yoga pants/zip-up hoodie combo with neon pink asics. actually, she does sometimes alternate with black lycra pants that fall just below the knee. she must be a gym junkie or just incredibly fond of workout wear. she has never worn jeans or khakis or anything other than workout gear. it's disturbing.
I just love that shade of red accessories at the moment. I think they add a little Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz magic to everyday.
If you ever get homesick you can just click your heels together.. there's no place like home.. there's no place like home.. :-)
You know this, though.
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