Sunday, January 07, 2007


I'm itchy. My arms, legs, neck and even the inside of my ears itch. My lips are swollen and my skin is beet red in vicious scratch marks from my scalp to the in between my toes. All this because I ate three sticks of celery. Healthy, organic celery. I'll now add this to my growing list of forbidden foods which include:

Sunflower Seeds--a terrible learning experience. I was 5 months pregnant and just settling into a 5 hour flight when I turned red and my lips went numb.

Mystery Pasta Sauce--after feeling particularly itchy on the long drive home from a restaurant I discovered that my skin had turned the color of my hair.

Mango--found out at 16 that mango and I do not agree after my grandmother offered me some of this divine treat.

Banana--swollen lips and tongue made for a quick trip to the emergency room for a shot of epinephrine.

Unidentified Salad Dressing--my face, neck, tongue and lips swelled to the point I was having difficult breathing and we made a mad dash to the emergency room in a France. NOT FUN. Made worse 6 hours into the experience when my irritated husband offered to remove my IV line for me so we could get our kids away from the gunshot victim and his buddies.

I would pontificate more, but I'm trying to decide of the 3 Benadryl tablets are working or if I need to wake my kids up and take them on a field trip to the ER.


Loralee Choate said...

Ack! My poor little Itchy Friend!!!!!

It is so sad that you are allergic to mangos. Sniff.


Cleo and her cardigan sweaters rule.

Anonymous said...

Amy this is no good! I'm really sorry that you have these food issues.

My brother is allergic to sunflower seeds also and his throat will close up but as far as I can tell I'm allergy free.

However, my waistline could probably use a few forbidden foods!

Navy Blue Cardigan said...

I forgot to mention carrots, cilantro, and Irish Spring soap.