Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Over the River and Through the Woods

We're headed off to visit family for the holidays. We're driving for the first time ever and I'm weirdly giddy about being stuck in the car for twelve hours with my husband and the kids. We've got movies, audio books, little toys, snacks, and a GPS so in theory we are all set. If all goes as planned we'll take off around mid-day and arrive safe and sound very late tonight.

I'm not sure why I haven't been posting lately--it's probably related to the reason we aren't doing Christmas cards this year. We're still trying to feel settled in our new hometown and living like squatters with me running off to the laundry, to take Cleo to school, and sneaking in as much reading as I can in between. We've also had a rough round of bronchitis hit the under five set at our house, so I've been administering yucky tasting Robitussin to children determined not to ingest such poison. Yes, I know that other families can balance their lives to perfection, with timely Christmas cards and all, but evidently I'm not one of them. Thus, the family photo above that is now a year old (but still so funny, don't you think?).

Anyway, should the blogging bug hit me in between enjoying my family, attempting to teach Cleo to ski, tyring to persuade Gigi that the potty is not the source of all evil, and playing Santa to my two cute girls I'll try to blog. Otherwise, I'll see you in January.


Loralee Choate said...

I better see you before THEN, missy!!!

Seriously, I cannot WAIT to see you, Little Guy!

Therese said...

I have missed your posts, amy. i hope you will be able to sign on while in utah to give us the holiday play-by-play. and i love that photo of your family.

Anonymous said...

The picture is still cute! I hope your coming to Cache Valley! Have a safe drive.

Melanie said...

It was great seeing you during your visit to VA! Your girls are so grown up and I hope your drive and holiday are fun and a nice break from the day to day.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year PBI!

Looking forward to lots of great posts in 2007.

Your Hunters Hill Lurker

Anonymous said...

What a cute family :-)