Tuesday, November 14, 2023

It's been a minute

 Thanks to an email from the all powerful Google, I learned my blog was in jeopardy.  I could either sit back and wait for my words to evaporate into the ether, or save this random history by following a number of easy steps.  I thought about letting go, but in perusing some of the posts, realized that these were memories of what seems like a different life.  Years have passed, my children are gown, or almost grown--they're all taller than me now.  And I'm well beyond the salad years, am diligently prodding though the main course. In a few more years, desert will arrive.  Looking back, it's all gone so fast.  One moment I was organizing a doll house after my children went to sleep, making sure each room had the appropriate furniture, putting the tiny dishes in the tiny China cabinet and hanging the itty-bitty towel on the wee towel rack.  I loved organizing my children's things.  Putting the books in rainbow order, making a cozy reading spot in the treehouse, hanging up all the fancy dress-up gowns and capes.  Now I have a closet full of children's games that haven't been played in years.  We've gone from Lego Friends and Star Wars, to Lego Architecture and Botanical sets.  And even those are a hard sell.  Now their wish lists come in the form of Google docs, complete with hyperlinks to the correct variation.  Sometimes it's a bit much--to know I won't get to live those years again.  Sometimes it makes me sad.

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