Example number 1. Color Walks.
With everything under the sun in bloom here in sunny California the girls and I have discovered that if we bring a plastic sack with us when we go on our daily walk we can collect a sample of every color of the rainbow. Then, when we get home we artfully display said items and jump up and down excitedly when daddy gets home from work and show him. Then when the under five set goes to bed mom sneaks the colorful treasures in the trash (carefully covering with other trash) and we do it again in a week or so. Here's a picture of a recent display.
Example number 1. Collect sap, er, make that giant pine cones!
Keep plastic sacks in car or purse so wherever we go we can keep pine cones and learn tricks to ridding hands, hair, clothing, and counter tops of sap. Admittedly, these really are cool pine cones, I just wish they weren't so sticky!
Example number 3. Make bead necklaces. Fun.
Our local craft store had a big sale on kids crafts and so I let my kids pick out some rainy-day/mom is too lazy to take you to the park projects. We ended up with a two-year supply of plastic beads and laces in rainbow colors. The first day they were fun. Even Daddy got into the action and got online so he could replicate a Jim Morrison's necklace bead by bead. By day three, I was willing to help tie the ends but not interested in creating anymore for my own collection, and now, a couple of weeks later I'm cursing each time I vacuum up one of those damn beads. Anyway, here's a picture of Daddy in his Jim Morrison necklace.
Example number 4. Have a birthday party.
Spring is birthday party season at our house, starting with Gigi. She wanted a princess party, so of course, that's what we had. The best part of the party was decorating the cupcakes.
Example number 5. Potty train.
Yes. Gigi is three. No, she isn't completely potty trained. We're in process. Here's a common scene at our house when I send Gigi into the bathroom to go to the potty. Notice the baby doll sitting in the potty. At least someone has the idea!
Example number 6. Watercolor.
We recently went back to the store where party supplies are found to get everything we'll need for Cleo's fifth birthday, and came across the cutest, do-not-leave-the-store-without-me-watercolor-palettes. I just could not resist. Now, I claim not artistic abilities, but my father-in-law does have an MA in oil painting so there is hope that some of his genes (tee-hee) have skipped a generation (obviously) and made it to my oldest daughter, and who knows what Gigi is capable of! Anyway, just imagining my kiddos as future Turner's or O'Keefe's or whoever's just warmed my heart.
Finished works of art. A rainbow and a mommy and daddy flower with a baby flower and fireworks. Cool.
Very pretty "princess" packages!
1. you are the funnest mom ever!
2. I often get pinecone presents at the library--I fear them
3. beads are good for preschool algebra too (aka pattern making)
4. Happy Birthday girls!
5. We're twinners. I have poo stories too!
6. Beautiful use of color, the rainbow walks are paying off.
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