Friday, April 20, 2007

Things To Do

With my husband at work till late last night and the kids asleep, I had the house to myself to work on my first ever PostSecret postcard. I had fun doing it and will mail it later today. As I was making it I realized I have a lot of secrets that might just feel good to send on their merry way via the post.

Having accomplished this task I've been meaning to do for so long, I began compiling a list of other things I'd like to do. I'm still working on the list--and it's probably a never ending list, but it was nice to organize my thoughts and modest ambitions.

Not related in anyway to the above discussion is the following list of funny things my kids have said recently.

"Mom, you not so pretty today."

"Maybe if you got that (referring to a commercial for acne medicine) you wouldn't have red spots!"

"Cleaning our house was more fun in France."

"When I grow up I will be in charge of myself...And I will eat what I want...And I will eat ice cream."

"That's too bad, maybe next time I can get some shots," after the pediatrician told us she didn't have the right vaccine.


Karen said...

I've always wanted to send a postsecret postcard too. I imagine it would be nice to get some things out of my head.

Loralee Choate said...


I would love to send postsecret a secret, except that since I really suck at keeping them, I don't have many left!!!