Saturday, March 31, 2007

Things I've Learned

During my Blogging hiatus of the past several weeks I've learned several things.

  • Children's scissors may say they don't cut skin, but this does not apply to a three year olds hair.
  • Applying sunblock is useful for avoiding a sunburn. Applying it everywhere but your forehead makes for a very embarrassing week.
  • It is not possible to get into a locked apartment or locked car without a key during the noon hour. One must wait with a sleeping toddler on shoulder for office to open.
  • Holding the cable cord in an exact position in order for you computer to have access to the Internet makes one less interested in blogging, commenting, or buying things on eBay.
  • Seeing candid pictures of yourself in a swimsuit makes one not want to eat for a year.
  • Paying $3.65 a gallon for gas is not fun.
  • Having an Ipod Shuffle is fun because your audio book will drown out the screams of your children.
  • Getting a manicure and pedicure is fun, but only if you own fingernail polish remover so you won't be forced to scratch off the polish once it starts chipping.
  • When starting a new hobby (needlepoint) it's best to use the right kind of yarn so you won't have to tear out hours of work. It's also not a good idea to start 5 such projects without any idea of what you're doing.
  • When house hunting speak to the realtor yourself. Otherwise you'll end up with a house with no yard, not enough bedrooms, but it will be great for commuting from.


Loralee Choate said...


You poor thing. Karen and I were just talking about missing your posts. They are so fun to read.

I am especially digging the image of you with a a big red stripe on your forehead. :)

Kerry said...

In addition to speaking with Realtors, its also a good idea to get measurements for the fridge, sofa and washing machine spaces.... I didn’t think of that when we relocated. Hence there were a lot of items without places to accommodate them!!

Karen said...

I went on a mini hiatus recently too and I'm not really back to meaningful blog posts (like I ever post those) just fluff pics of ninjas and peeps.

That said I love you list. Learning is alwasy good, especially when it allows you to sport neon stripes!

Karen said...

p.s. I would love to see that 3-year-old safety scissor cut!