Sunday, January 14, 2007

Theme Song

If my life had a theme song then today it would "I Like To Move It, Move It," as sung and danced to by the rodents in Madagascar.

Why you ask? Well, today I found out we're moving. Again.

Virginia, the state we bid farewell to a mere 18 months ago is where we'll be headed once summer hits. I'm wildly excited, a bit aprenhesive, and a tiny bit pleased that I can now say we've moved 8 times in 11 years--nearly reaching the number of moves my parents made when they were in the same stage of life that I find myself now.

Reasons I'm happy to be moving:

1. I can stop worrying about school. We'll be living in a great school district and I can hand choose a school with 1/2 day kindergarten for Cleo, and I have a few ideas about where to send Gigi for preschool a few hours a week.

2. We'll have a house. This means no more trips to the laundry mat, a yard for my kids to play in,a garage to park my new car in, a place for to ride bikes, and walls we can paint and hang pictures on.

3. All our our belongings will be in one place, not the 4 places they are now. Stored items that will be recovered are my sewing machine, my crock-pot, my grandmother's china, my mixer (I can't wait to make oatmeal chocolate chip cookies again), our piano (I'm thinking of taking lessons in a few years).

4. I have friends and family in Virginia. My sister-in-law lives there and our kids adore her, as well as the many friends I made while living in Virginia before. Even if we live 45 minutes away from both my sister-in-law and our previous home-town, we'll still have access to people who make me laugh.

5. We should be able to manage our Virginia tenants better if we are on sight and available to monitor their occupancy better.

Reasons I'm apprehensive:

1. As with any move, this could be temporary. I don't think we'll be there for more than 3 years--but even that long in one place would be wonderful!

2. Moving is sooo much work--finding just the right house, getting new doctors, pediatricians, figuring out the church situation, finding babysitters I trust who live nearby, let alone coordinating our move with movers, packing, unpacking, organizing, etc.

3. Humidity. This may seem trivial, but anyone who has spent August in Virginia will vouch for the impact this has on daily life. A day that is only 80 degrees will feel like 105, and many days are much warmer than this.

4. Expense. While it will be significantly less expensive to purchase a house in Virginia, it will still be pricey. And with the housing market there currently unstable, if we don't stay for more than a few years we could lose money in a very significant way when we sell.

5. We have only 6 months to visit and see everything in California we want to see--not a lot of time considering we've only been into San Fransisco once so far. There are still the Redwoods to see, all of Southern California including Sea World, Disneyland and the San Diego Zoo and so, so much more.

So, if you're planning on visiting us, do it soon, or you'll have to re-route to Virginia.


Loralee Choate said...


That was for me and all the reasons on the negative list.

However, I think that it is a much better situation for your quality of life. It is inhumane that YOU of all people have no laundry!!!!

Are we still on for Vegas?!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your quite the little mover but it's great that you'll be somewhere you like and feel good about in the schooling department.