This month's self-portrait challenge is to show an image portraying a resolution. I chose this picture because I know I need to work on appreciating my daughter more. We adopted her from China last year. I adore her, but it's been a rough year and I need to take more time just enjoying the delightful personality. So with that in mind, here are ten things I love about her.
1. Her volcanic giggle. It erupts out of nowhere and takes over her entire body.
2. Her devotion. She love, love, loves her mommy, daddy and sister.
3. Her unabashed singing. She spends much of her day walking around singing whatever pops into her head.
4. Her self confidence. About 10 times a day she tells me, "Mom, I'm so pretty."
5. Her innocence. She still thinks that by covering her eyes she's hidden.
6. Her wiggles. She comes up with the most inventive dance moves I've ever seen (including the Diaper Dance.)
7. Her forgiving nature. When her sister has wronged her she's very quick to forgive and hug and make up.
8. Her trust. When she's afraid of monsters and I tell her they are nice, she believes me.
9. Her pleasure in little things. Just getting one marshmallow makes her happy.
10. Most important to me, each night when I tuck her in to bed she whispers in my ear, " I love you mommy."
amy, thanks so much for sharing this. i loved reading it. we've been going thru similar here, too. i can totally relate. they're amazing and demanding...
and hawaii sounds terrific.
I'm all teary!!!
Gigi's nighttime "I love you Daddy" completely melts me. It's one of the things I really miss when I'm far away on a work trip, which is where I am now and it's the bedtime hour back in California.
Well, let's just all admit it. You have the cutest little girls ever!
AWE! You have had QUITE a year, so do not be so hard on yourself.
Gigi is adorable and you are an awesome mom. I miss your guts.
Hopefully, I can participate in February's SPC.
Hmmm, I think I need lists like this for my kiddos too, especially when they are smearing strawberry syrup all over the kitchen floor!
Great post! I am going to do this for each of my kids to remind me how blessed I am.
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